The chirpy young comedienne, Vidyullekha Raman will be a part of two big upcoming Pongal releases, Jilla and Veeram. The youngster will also be seen in films such as Malini 22 Palayamkottai and a new film with Ma.Ka.Pa. Anand and Pandiarajan titled Panju Mittai.
Recently she had the opportunity to interact with Ajith on the last day of her Veeram shoots, and the star offered her some valuable advise for her future career. She has been told by Thala to not get immersed and stressed with too many projects, as it is not worth it. Personal care is of utmost importance, said Ajith to Vidyullekha.
Veeram will hit the screens for Pongal and Ajith fans are eager to see their star in a simple rural avatar after a long time.